An update on Raising the Goddess of Spring

 Where are we at? 

I thought it was about time I let everyone in on our progress towards publishing our book. We have chosen to self-publish. After thinking about the benefits of maintaining control of our rights and really just wanting to put this out, and after a huge learning curve on my part, we have chosen to go with Amazon (Kindle Direct Publishing).

I spent most of my Christmas holidays preparing the index, and really, except for the cover work, that was the last major task to complete.

We are days away from uploading the draft along with the cover and ordering a physical proof copy to ensure everything looks perfect before we go live. A few weeks maybe?

Can I believe we are here now? 

No...considering that we starting planning this book in 2010! A lot of thought, research, interviews and soul have gone into our 312 pages, 19 chapter guidebook for families raising children with rare disorders. I think I have gone over it a million times.

I am almost done with the cover and am giving you a sneak peek of the theme.....

Do you love this image as much as I do?

When I imagined the cover for our book, Raising the Goddess of Spring
I wanted something inspirational.

Here is why I chose this.

I have always loved the symbolism behind the lotus flower. Specifically, I chose a white one because it symbolizes perfection. The lotus flower grows from adversity out of muddy waters to bloom for all the world to see. This is how I see my daughter, Maia, and really, the book revolves around my experience with her, the people I have met because of her (and all their stories and comments will be in the book) and who I have become because of her. 

It is a symbol of growth and life
It represents all of our children.

We are not far off from finally making this available.
 It will be first as a paperback, and eventually, 
I hope to add the ebook version as well.

It is done, now it's just a process to make it perfect. 
It is everything I hoped it would be and more. 

Please click the link above to join it so that when we launch you can follow along!



  1. I hit follow but did not see a place to hit like????

  2. Hi! You should see a "like" button on the top right area of the Facebook header :)


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